Reboot Alberta

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Picks Hubris and Hyperbole Over Honesty and Honour

When the phone in the White House rings at 3:00 am I don't want the President of the United States of America and the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military on the planet not remembering what was talked about...intentionally or otherwise.

I don't what hyperbole to pass for honesty. And I sure don't want another liar in the White House who will continue to abuse the office by also making up facts as a means to justify a political end.

This is not an honest mistake. It is a fundamental character flaw.


  1. I think this is totally disrespectful to all people who actually have experienced "sniper fire" or any aspect of war. Especially when her country, which is at war, just topped 4000 war dead.

    I can't fathom why she thought this particular lie would benefit her politically anyway. It's just created a disaster.

  2. Anonymous2:26 pm

    Oh, and speaking of liars...

    "Stelmach softens job loss statistic in final days of campaign
    Last Updated: Tuesday, February 26, 2008
    CBC News

    After repeatedly insisting that caps on carbon emissions would lead to the loss of more than 300,000 jobs in Alberta, Progressive Conservative Leader Ed Stelmach altered his message Tuesday.

    Reporters have asked Stelmach several times, including during the leaders' debate last week, for the source of the statistic without receiving an answer.

    On Tuesday in Calgary, the question arose again, and as Stelmach was formulating an answer, his communications adviser jumped in with some prodding: "Across Canada, make that clear, premier, Alberta and across Canada."

    The Tory leader then said, "Yeah, these are 300,000 jobs across the country of Canada, and that's a small amount given the fact that 745,000 jobs rely on the oil and gas industry in the country of Canada."

    Before Tuesday's statement, the Progressive Conservatives used the job loss statistic in a news release that attacked the Alberta Liberals' climate change plan, which promises to bring in caps on carbon emissions within five years, and Stelmach quoted the number in a heated debate with an environmentalist.

    "The other plan destroys 335,000 jobs. There are 600,000 new Albertans in this province. Do you want to send them back home to other provinces, other countries?" Stelmach said on Feb. 11."

  3. Ah, but someone else has confirmed Hillary's account!

    "Actually Mrs. Clinton was too modest. I was there and saw it all. When Mrs. Clinton got off the plane the tarmac came under mortar and machine gun fire. I was blown off my tank and exposed to enemy fire. Mrs. Clinton without regard to her own safety dragged me to safety, jumped on the tank and opened fire, killing 50 of the enemy. Soon a suicide bomber appeared, but Mrs. Clinton stopped our people from opening fire. She talked to the man in his own language and got him to surrender. She found that he had suffered terribly as a result of policies of George W. Bush. She defused the bomb vest herself. Then she turned to my wounds, stopping the bleeding and saving my life. Chelsea donated the blood."

    You can see the video here:

  4. Anonymous8:10 pm

    At least Clinton is a strong leader as opposed to Mr. Dion. Liberals in Quebec have outright abondoned him!

  5. Anonymous8:10 pm

    At least Clinton is a strong leader as opposed to Mr. Dion. Liberals in Quebec have outright abondoned him!


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