Reboot Alberta

Friday, November 26, 2010

Raj Sherman's Speech on the New Health Act in Alberta

OK gentle is Friday - a lovely day and just before Edmonton hosting the Grey Cup this weekend.  Grab a sandwich and eat lunch at your desk and read Raj Sherman's opening speech in the Legislative Assembly of Alberta on the New Alberta Health Act.

There is a whisper campaign going on over Raj's emotional well-being.  This is pure Nixonian, Dubya Bush and even Stephen Harper style of dirty politics.  Read this speech and even others and judge for your self about the ability, commitment and capability of Dr. Raj Sherman to make a difference.  He is now a single voice of reason, care and compassion.  He is speaking for all of us who are disappointed and despairing over abusive politics and  poor governance in our province.

Here is a link but go to page 1481 to start.  Make sure you have the facts as outlined by Dr. Sherman and then be sure to talk about the facts to your family, friends, neighbours and fellow workers.

BTW vote on my blog poll on who you think is to blame for Alberta's crisis in health care?  Rude Ronnie Liepert is seen and the major reason followed by Ed Stelmach so far.  Dr. Duckett is not the culprit even though he was the wrong guy for the job...but you can blame Liepert for that lack of judgement


  1. kerry9:25 am

    I am convinced that Liepert carries much of the blame (he and Paddy Meade - she's my write-in vote), but wasn't it the board who hired Duckett? That's not the Minister's job (although, since the Minister pretty much fired Duckett ...)

  2. Anonymous10:30 am

    The entire caucus met with Duckett before he was hired. I am reminded of an old Japanese business maxim - "fix the problem, not the blame."

  3. I voted for all of them. I don't believe any of them are actually doing what needs to be done. Don't point fingers, point your whole hand.

  4. Anonymous8:25 pm

    The smear campaign is real.

  5. Anonymous10:30 pm

    The whisper campaign is very very nasty politics. It's not enough to fire Raj but now they are trying to cost him his livlihood and reputation. This is why so few people speak out against the Tories. It is just too nasty to endure what can be done to you.

  6. Dr. Raj is obviously insane. The best place for him is the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.

    God bless his nutty heart.

  7. Phone numbers for Stelmach (780-427-2251), Zwozdesky (780-427-3665) Horne (780-427-2235)

    Okay, lets all call and voice our disgust and rejection of such a whisper campaign. Just takes a few minutes..just do it.

  8. Go ahead and make those phone calls Helen. They are not a total waste of time but they don't change attitudes of those in power. Invest the time to write a letter, address it, put a stamp on it and walk to the mail box - now that makes a difference. Your name is on it, you have invested more in the issue than a quick impulsive "give 'em hell" phone call.

  9. Anonymous4:58 pm

    Whisper campaigns are reminiscent of repressive dictatorial Nazi party, Communists and Military Juntas. These old world style pscyhological tactics are employed to destroy political dissidents by having them declared mentally unfit. To make this happen usually the Politicians, and Professional Associations collude to destroy the individual. This should not happen here, this is Canada and supposed to be a democracy.

    Mr. Chapman, the whisper campaign against Sherman was real. Its a pity that you don't think there was such a thing.


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