Reboot Alberta

Showing posts with label Reboot Alberta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reboot Alberta. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Albertans Are Embracing Citizenship and Activism Again!

When I see active engaged citizenship I can't help but participate and promote it.  At the bottom of thie blog post is a News Release from ARTES (Association for Responsive Trusteeship in Edmonton Schools) of an event I am speaking at in Edmonton on public education and Trusteeship on May 15th.  This an example of this kind of get informed and get involved citizen activism we need to overcome the democratic deficit we have allowed to prevail in Alberta - and Canada for that matter.

It is all coming together as people take back control, start creating alternative approaches and changing the outmoded top down command and control style of politics and governance.   To get more of a flavour of this kind of awareness and engagement as an Albertan come to an of interesting public lecture (May 31 in Calgary and June 1 in Edmonton) featuring Gywnne Dyer as we  are Learning Our Way to the Next Alberta.  That link will give you more information on Learning Our Way and allow your to buy tickets at $10 each.  It is open to the public all about a better more vibrant and vital democracy.  It is very much in the spirit of the Reboot Alberta citizen's initiative - but this is not a Reboot Event.

So if you care and are committed to the future of Alberta and keen on preserving and advancing  what is good and can be better about our province, join us at these events and others that are being planned.

Here is the news release for the ARTES event as well.  I will be speaking on the Albertans values survey we recently did within the progressive Reboot Alberta community.  I look forward to meeting you at either or both events.

May 10th, 2010

For Immediate Release

Election event planned for potential trustee candidates

The (ARTES) will host a wine and cheese mixer for people interested in local education issues, including potential candidates who are eyeing the possibility of running in the fall election.

The focus will be on building connections, but the event will also include three brief presentations:

- Dale Hudjik, ARTES president, on the principles of effective and responsive governance;

- Lynn Odynski, a former EPSB trustee, on the responsibilities of the office; and

- Ken Chapman, partner at Cambridge Strategies, on the values that voters identify as most important heading into the vote.

Anyone considering standing for election as a trustee is invited to attend, along with members of the public who want to learn more the school board system or get to know potential candidates.

Event details:
Saturday, May 15th, 7-9 p.m.
Woodcroft Community League Hall
13915 - 115th Avenue
Media contact:
Dale Hudjik
c. 1.780.904.6081

ARTES (ar-tes) represents people committed to the welfare of children and public education in Edmonton. It seeks to encourage high quality candidates for school boards.

Mission: To encourage and support school trustee candidates who are independent, transparent in their views and values, accountable, forward-looking, and responsive to the community.

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