Reboot Alberta

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Satya Das Talks With Dr. McEachren on Water and Oil Sands

Here is a series of of a conversation between Satya Das of Cambridge Strategies Inc. Dr. Preston McEachren is a water science specialist with Alberta Environment.

Dr. McEachren explains the facts about water and tailing ponds from the oil sands. He describes in some detail the context and complications about dealing with oil sands tailing ponds.

Cambridge Strategies is working to have the public better understand the current state of the oil sands and what needs to be done to make the development of the oil sands more responsible and sustainable. Looking forward to your comments.

Part One: Introduction to Tailings

Part Two: Leaking and Leaching Issues

Part Three: On active reclamation

Part Four: Emerging Technologies on Tailing Ponds

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Harper Appeals Federal Court Order to Repatriate Omar Khadr.

According to reports from Canwest News Service, Prime Minister Harper and his government continue to refuse to protect the human rights of Omar Khadr.

The Federal Court has ordered that Omar be repatriated to Canada from Gitmo. What does Harper do? Instead of following the court order, he appeals. What is more the cowards and con artist in control of this country now say they can't comment on Khadr's case. Why? Well it's before the courts.

Cheer up Canada. It could be worse. Our government could be the ones torturing Omar, not mere acquiescing that it be done by his "hosts."

So much for our country protecting its citizens. In Harper's Canada, is the State becoming the enemy of the people instead of their protector? Omar is not the only one Harper is mistreating. There are others.

I want a election this November 9th. Harper's "fixed" election date established by a law he passed and then broke. Harper's time has passed and his Party thinks so too...if not for some different reasons.

Humanity and Happiness Happens

There is a recession going on out there but these folks in London have obviously decided not to participate - at least for a few minutes. Congratulations to them and T-Mobile for making this moment happen.

The Social Market Economy is Coming

I hardly ever just link to a news story or opinion piece from mainstream media without some analysis or commentary. This Globe and Mail op-ed by Timothy Garton Ash is so totally aligned with my view and beliefs about the role and relationship between society and economy. I hope you find value in the piece as well

Is Bill 44 to Stelmach What 500 Dead Ducks Were to Oil Sands?

Here is a wonderfully illustrative and instructive Letter to the Editor in today's Edmonton Journal. It captures the concern behind the expanded and extended opting-out provisions in Bill 44 eloquently and almost poetically.

Here is another that is equally as insightful about what we should allow and expect of our public education system. This letter it totally aligned with the recent research finding we did for the Edmonton Public School Board on what the citizens of Edmonton what from their public education system.

There was a comment in the Edmonton Journal Venting column today that said to the effect if evolution were real then why are there still apes? If a comedian said that, I would have context enough to laugh. Without that context this comment is also enough to make one weep.

By not exposing our children to the full array of thought and inquiry, be it science or faith, past, present and potential, we stifle human curiosity and exploration. We rob our youth of the means to develop their own minds and to find their own meanings. Mankind, like nature, thrives on diversity.

This is not the stuff of the law or legal processes like Bill44 enables. The law is too blunt an instrument to decide such things.

The fallout for Bill 44 is to the integrity of the Stelmach government like 500 dead ducks were to the oil sands industry. It is time to put away these "fundamentalist principles" Premier Stelmach and do the right thing for Alberta's children and our society.