Reboot Alberta

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Obama Invited to Alberta

Good move but more needs to be done to make this effort effective. We clearly need to be sharing information, developing a deeper understanding and looking for ways to make the exploitation of this vital resource more responsible and sustainable.

Albertans are up for that but we need our business and policians to catch up to the enlightened consciousness of the citizenship.

I see President Obama is planning a mere 5 hour meeting in Ottawa with Stephen Harper on February 19th. He clearly sees meeting with Harper as not a very productive use of his time. I will do a blog post soon on what I think will be and should be on the agenda.


  1. Anonymous2:44 pm

    "Good move but more needs to be done to make this effort effective. We clearly need to be sharing information, developing a deeper understanding and looking for ways to make the exploitation of this vital resource more responsible and sustainable."

    Huh? Interesting comment. I have a couple of suggestions:
    1. We stop with the marketing and call it as it is: the Tar Sands.
    2. how about leaving it where it is and investing in clean energy instead?

    Alberta, watch out. Your days of easy money are about to end and the Newfies that do your dirty work are about to head home.

  2. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Yep...5 Hours... I am sure lots will get done.

  3. Anonymous7:22 am

    Great strategy. I am not sure that Eddie has the drag with those who matter and plan these opportunities. Yes the tar sands are now accepted by the name "dirty oil". Frankly the US national interest is energy security and guess what? the TAR SANDS is the only game in town that has the size and volume to cover the next 20 years demand. It isn't going away too soon...the demand I mean. This is a transition and we collectively have to deal with it. There after the is the inevitable reserve decline and todays leaders will have died, quit or retired to somewhat with better weather. Two things, clean up the process and that will only happen with enforced regulations. We know that the cons, at all levels, are loathed to enforce anything because they don't like that kind of control... There is more faith in the invisible hand of common sense and the market versus the dirty hand of the state. We know that the invisible hand has been on holiday and Eddie isn't predisposed to call them to account. Might anger them. Secondly with the draw down on our resources and as we experience the decline in production we become the back water once again. WE have NO strategy in Alberta or vision what the future can hold. The huge blind spot and so if I was Obama or his folks I would look north and wonder what the fuss was about. Figure out that there may be 20 to 25 years of supply and there is a need to fill the gas tanks in the lower 48. This is reality. Put in the pipe line(s), securer supply, but then start working on their own stuff. As the old joke suggested. Crossing the border at Niagara Falls there was a huge sign coming north. WELCOME TO CANADA aw wholly own subsidiary of the US of A. Sponsored by those in Washington who believe in drinking "Canada Dry". I think we need a thorough cross all sectors and interests an integrated plan because this is a real opportunity to play in the BIGS and maybe the last to have direct influence. That means to also have our hand on the tiller too. Otherwise "back water" comes to mind.
    Obama's visit is frankly a,"yes we know you are there", and be back to you real soon. He and his folks I believe know fully how important Canada is. They also know that Harper is holding down the place mat until the next election. There will then be someone else at the table.

  4. Anonymous7:24 am

    Anon 2:44: Say what? It's Alberta that's doing the Newfoundlanders a favor, not the other way around.


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