Reboot Alberta

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Is Harper Hapless to Deal With the Economic Crisis?

Looks like most of the ideas to deal with the economic crisis will be coming from the Premier's at tomorrows First Minister's meeting. Stephen "the Fundamentals are Strong" Harper is becoming more like a deer in the market meltdown headlights. I hope he takes good notes at the G20 meetings in Washington next week. He clearly needs some ideas about what to do in response. Let's home he listens to others then George Bush for a change.


  1. Harper? Work together? What crazy twilight zone world is this?

  2. The Liberal short memory problem is back!!

    Remember how Layton, Dion and the traitor were all yapping at Harper's heels at the same time the World Economic Forum and the G7 were talking about the Harper-managed Canadian economy as the best in the world, and then the jobs figures and trade surplus figures come out and prove Harper knew what he was doing?

    Well, sadly, more of the same disinformation from our good friend Ken.....


    I honestly think that Libs generally believe that if you repeat something often enough, the ether out there will actually change facts, and the BS spread thick and wide will actually form a solid facsimile of the lie. Crap in solid form is still crap, my friends.......

    btw - how is Stephane anyway??

    Seems that not just the Cons thought that this guy was one of the worst choices of a leader of any party in Canadian history......

  3. Actually rereading your open question "Is Harper Hapless etc." Well of course he is not hapless.

    The good news is that we have the best possible leader in the free world and the best managed economy to deal with the economic crisis.

    I daresay that Harper is the most solid, competent and brainiest leader we Canadians have ever seen.


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