Reboot Alberta

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Report on Reboot Alberta's Progressive Values Survey

Reboot Alberta ( is an emerging movement of progressive Albertans who are re-engaging as citizens and taking on more personal responsibility for the changing nature and the fluid future of the province. The Reboot Alberta movement people were asking what it meant to be a “progressive” in Alberta in the 21st century. To help answer that question a conjoint survey was done tracking 22 progressive values to see what were the most important to those in the Reboot Alberta community. The survey results were shared with the Reboot Alberta participants at a gathering called Reboot 2.0 in late February 2010. I will now share the results with you in some blog posts.


When we asked what values progressive Albertans wanted politician and policy makers to apply in making laws and decisions that impact the lives of citizens we found some dominant values that were to guide and drive those decisions. The top level values of the 544 non-random, self-selecting Reboot Alberta people who completed the survey, in order of priority, were:

Integrity which should bring a sense of soundness; unimpared or uncorrupted, wholeness and completeness to any policy decision making process.

Honesty which means policy processes and outcomes should be free of deceit and untruthfulness, sincere, fair and just in character and behaviour in coming to a decision.

Accountability is about taking responsibility for one’s actions and conduct and being understandable too in reaching and explaining a decision.

Transparency which means citizens must easily see through and easily discern the motives as well as the intent of actions and clarity of intended consequences of policy positions and decisions.

Environmental Stewardship which has to see political and policy decisions being concerned with a longer-term, integrated management of the entire environmental element of Alberta's natural capital.  This must include promoting biodiversity, conservation, reclamation and mitigation in conjunction with economic and social considerations in an inter-related protection and preservation perspectives.


What was interesting about these values, except perhaps for Environmental Stewardship, was their normative nature.  By that I mean they are standard answers to the normal questions we get day to day. It is like people say "fine" when you casually as them  how they are.  That is not necessarilly the truth, just a customary answer.  I tested that normative answer theory at Reboot 2.0 where about 80% of those in attendance had done the survey.  The reply was that these values were chosen because they are important not just the usual answers. What is more they were chosen by people because they do not feel the present political culture of Alberta is delivering on these most important values for them.

If that is the case, transformational political change may be in the air and coming sooner than you think.  Will Alberta shift to the far right with the Wildrose Alliance?  What will happen to the PC Party in the next few years leading up to the next election?  Why aren't the Liberals and the New Democrats getting bumps in the polls from progressive voters?  What will those who can't fathom a reactionary right-wing governing party do if they are concerned about a political culture to best serve Alberta's interests in the future?  Will voters just stay home in even larger numbers and grow more cynicial than they are now?

For more context about the progressive value mindset here is the next group of mid level values that Alberta’s progressives perceive as foundational to forming sound public policy.  They were concerned about policy and political decisions that showed Wisdom, promoted Well-being, were Equitable, committed to Fiscal Responsibility, illustrated Respect for Diversity and supported Learning.  Again this is in the order of priority.  The other eleven attributes were all below the median and while still considered important even though they were significantly lower priorities.


These findings in some ways were expected because they reflected previous opinion poll results done by other pollsters. For example 86% of Rebooter’s were dissatisfied to some degree with the Stelmach government and 77% felt strongly negative towards the current government. That is consistent with previous poll findings.

Another 83% of Rebooters do not feel that their government listens to them and 72% do not believe that their opinions have any influence on the government of Alberta. If this sense of isolation and alienation will happen with the highly informed, influential, opinionated and progressive Reboot people how is the ordinary citizen going to stand a chance of having their voice heard by a largely indifferent government...except at election time?

Before anyone presumes the prior paragraph is merely dripping with self-aggrandizing arrogance of progressives in Reboot Alberta, consider that 88% of them are Influentials compared to 10% of the general population. The Influentials according to Jonathan Berry and Edward Keller’s book of the same name are connected to between 5 and 7 personal social networks. They have opinions that are trusted by others and their advice is sought by others too. They are trend spotters and trend setters and more likely to get involved in organizations, issues and causes.  Influentials and the thought leaders and opinion leaders in any group or society.  They usually are in the small groups that Margret Mead said should never be underestimated in changing the world.  The question is will Rebooters become a citizen's movement that is intent on change in Alberta?

The Reboot Alberta survey of progressive Albertans also revealed that 86% of Rebooters are Cultural Creatives. The characteristics these people are big picture types who have serious concerns for ecological and planetary perspectives.  If any group of Albertans are gong to see the good, bad, ugly and potential implications of the oilsands as owners of the resource, progressives will be at the front of the line.

Cultuiral Creatives have a strong personal emphasis on relationships, they have personal commitments to personal development and spirituality, but religion, not so much. They are distrusting of large institutions of modern life including left versus right old-style adversarial politics. They reject conspicuous consumption and avoid displays of status.  They are focused on solutions that entail a change in worldviews that is values based including changes in personal lifestyle about how you spend you time and livelihoods, about how you make and spend your money. Cultural creatives demand authenticity in all things, especially in politics.

The more amazing thing from the Reboot survey participants was that 76% of us were both Influentials and Cultural Creatives. The potential for a transformative movement to change the political culture of Alberta is potentially to be found in these Reboot progressives who are pushing for policy solutions that go beyond merely updating enviromental regulations and moving into real sustainable ecologically based integrated solutions.

While we do not think our government is listening to us or care about what we think Reboot Alberta progressives believe they are making a difference. While 93% of us believe our personal actions are making Alberta a better place and 96% of progressives are committed to improving the future of Alberta, we are not walking the talk very well. With all that personal commitment only 51% of us strongly agree that we will tell others great things about living in Alberta. What is worse, only 44% of us would strongly recommend that a friend move to Alberta to live. Then consider that only about 46% of us have an intense desire to remain in Alberta or feel strongly that it would take a lot to get us to leave the province.

So we have great hopes and aspirations for the province and our personal commitment to the place is exemplary. However it would appear that we are not all that proud of the place we are committed to improve, given what we are prepared to say to others about how great Alberta is and even the tepid response to our intent to stay in the province. I wonder how that reflects the feelings of the more general population, or is this unique to progressives. Based on these responses it appears that only about 56% of the progressive survey participants are in any way really engaged in their citizenship responsibilities as Albertans.


The next blog post will be about the various responses of survey particpants as Influentials and Cultural Creatives. We will get into the kinds of issues that interest Alberta progressives and the implications for the future of the Reboot Alberta citizen engagement movement.  There is a lot to do to make this movement more of a force to influence the future directions and desitinations of Alberta but given that Reboot Alberta is only 4 months old, a lot of awareness and engagement has already been accomplished.

If you want to know more about the Reboot Alberta community go to and explore the website.


  1. Anonymous9:29 am

    Where is this leading to? A new political party? How will the Progressives truly translate into votes and seats in the legislature?


  2. Good questions. The Alberta Party has been refocused into a progressive political party already. You might want to check them out.

    Reboot Alberta is mostly party neutral as we find progressive thinking people in all of the political parties in Alberta these days. It is more about getting chtizens to re-engage in their democracy and take back control of it from the small interest groups that have taken over these days.

  3. Anonymous3:19 pm

    Reboot assumes that we need change for the sake of change. That we need to start over.

    Alberta works just fine the way it is. We don't need such anarchist talk.

  4. Anonymous9:09 pm

    How do you know the Alberta Party is "progressive"? I thought they presented themselves as a blank slate that whoever joined could help to define any way they liked.

  5. Martiin H9:19 pm

    Just a note - I have taken a position in the Wild Rose Party not so much out of conviction - its policies are very vague at the moment, and it seems divided between very hard right and brainwashed Conservatives, and a much softer and more intelligent outlook taken by Danielle Smith.

    I did this simply because at the moment it seems the most practical way to undermine the Stelmach government. My background is with the Social Credit party - which still exists - which as far as I can see understands best of all that the way our money systems operate is critical to the way the economy and the ecology are currently at loggerheads in provincial, national and world politics.

  6. To Mr. Anonymous: I don't believe that Rebooters are wanting change for the sake of change. I want change because change is needed. Alberta is NOT working just fine the way things are! Between what is happening to the environment and social programs, healthcare, care for the disabled and seniors and the nontransparent way that government itself operates, there is plenty to improve upon. And it is not anarchistic to want to improve the governing of the province.

  7. I would like to see Reboot continue the process of finding some broad view of what progressives would wnat in terms of policy issues. I do not hold with anonymous 3:19 PM. Alberta is far from being fine the way it is. As it is now, a political party can get a majority of seats in the legislature with a mere 25% vote of the electors. That is not representative of Albertans' wishes. We need electoral reform now and we need to re-invigorate the political interest of all Albertans.

    Carry on Reboot!

  8. Difficult to know the Anons from one another without a programme but... the comment:

    "Alberta works just fine the way it is. We don't need such anarchist talk" really needs to be addressed.

    I think that comment was first uttered by Charlemagne around 799 during the Carolingian Renaissance." Times were relatively good then too but they were still the Dark Ages... and I'm sure glad we didn't stop there and folks like Copernicus, Galileo and Newton weren't considered anarchists... well... maybe Galileo... a little....

    To the other (or same) Anon who wondered why the Alberta Party folks might consider themselves progressives... well, it's probably because they found themselves working for relatively progressive agendas before coming together... but how the Alberta Party forms is still in question so whether it truly becomes a home for progressives or not... well that is to be seen.

    However, those now reaching out as Alberta Partiers (if that is what they call themselves) seem rather progressive at this point. So fair enough point but at this stage the progressives seem to be at the forefront of the nascent movement.

  9. Ignorant Anonymous Coward12:12 am


    So, you are reading history now.

    The reason Charlemagne had the luxury of leading his eponymous renaissance is because his daddy Charles "The Hammer" Martel beat back a Muslim army at the outskirts of Paris and chased their butts all the way down to Narbonne. It then took the Spaniards another 600 years to boot them out of western Europe.

    You cannot have your Liberal peace while being nice to those that wish for your death and are prepared to act.

    This is what I dislike about all the fringe parties. They spent their life in a fantasy world talking about how nice everything will be and how we will live in harmony powered by the energy from sunshine and children's laughter.

    But it takes heavy lifting by real people of action to get anything done.

  10. Quite amusing.

    Remember Reform? Integrity, Honesty, Accountability, Transparency, Long-Term thinking - all part of the original platform. Check out the results.

    In Canada, and particularly Alberta, one could suggest even the hint of power corrupts absolutely.

  11. Anonymous11:37 am

    I agree. We don't need to "reboot". I'm proud of Alberta the way it is. Why start over?

  12. Anonymous9:51 am

    Alberta IS working fine just the way it is. That's why people keep moving here. We don't want it to be like Saskatchewan or Ontario. No thanks. Change not required!

  13. Acutally Anon at 9:51 - things are not so fine here. Unemployment rose in Alberta last month - the only province where that happened. People are leaving too. In fact now more are leaving than coming to Alberta.

    Try to base you opinions on fact and tell us who you are if you want to have any credibility from the readers of this blog and citizens of Alberta generally.

  14. Anonymous3:32 pm

    Someone told me this blog itself has little credibility. Hmmm.

  15. "Someone told you" and you expect that will enhance the credibility of anonymous commenters like yourself?

    Put away your fears and come out of the cave. Come into the sunlight and stand up and behind your beliefs and show yourself to be a citizen who values free speech.

  16. Anonymous10:11 pm

    It is unfortunate that trolls derail serious and vital conversations. I hope Rebooters can transition from intellectual musing to feet-on-the-ground development of their relationship networks into political networks. I almost choked on the comment about the soft-edged Danielle Smith--doesn't sound consistent with her columns in the Herald. (I don't have time to mess around with the other options.)


Anonymous comments are discouraged. If you have something to say, the rest of us have to know who you are