Reboot Alberta

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


The Huffington Post reports on a CBC exclusive survey on Canadians change of attitude about Prime Minister Stephen Harper, done by Nik Nanos, one of the most reliable pollsters in the biz these days.

Canadians when asked how satisfied they were about our Prime Minister's explanation of the $90,000+ cheque his Chief of Staff wrote to then Conservative Senator Mike Duffy to cover his unwarranted expenses 72% of us said we were "dissatisfied or somewhat dissatisfied."  Only 27% were OK with Prime Minister Harper's explanation about what he really knows about the circumstances around the cheque.  

The Government of Canada continue to say it cannot produce the cheque in question because it is a personal cheque and that is not within their power to produce.  Strange though they have not seen it reasonable to asked the formed Chief of Staff of our Prime Minister to volunteer a copy to clear the air.  

Might be helpful to co-operate publicly now and find a way to disclose the cheque before the recently announced criminal investigation by the RCMP does it for them. 

It is not as if the Duffy-Wright scandal is off the public's radar screen.  Nanos survey says 95% of Canadians are aware of this scandal and one in three of us hold our Prime Minister mostly to blame.

It is a long way to the next election in 2015.  Lots can change between then and is politics after all.  One thing that will change is Alberta will have six more federal seats by then. What will happen to voting patterns in those new ridings?  How will the changing nature of the urban Albertan respond to our political options?  Next blog post will be on the changing population of Alberta.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Ken, Harper has now safely made it to the summer doldrums, the interval in which public outrage at his excesses usually bleeds out. If his disapproval numbers hold into September, he's in trouble.


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