Reboot Alberta

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Harper Mimics Musharraf and Fires Linda Keen

Prime Minister Harper has facilitated or forced the firing Linda Keen, the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission last night. This is done on the eve of her appearance before the Commons Committee on Natural Resources. Shameful!
Such inappropriate political interference more akin to Pakistan’s President Musharraf than an open, responsible and accountable and suitable governing philosophy the Canadians expect and deserve from their government. Mr. Harper's political interference in the independence of this quasi-judicial tribunal is crossing the line and dangerous to democracy.

There is the need to rationalize or determine a priority between the competing principle issue of nuclear safety and the continuing need for medical isotopes the Chalk River nuclear facility provided. Appropriately our elected Members of Parliament made that decision by a unanimous vote in the House and Senate. This is not the issue any more and with better political judgement exercised earlier, this crisis could and should have been avoided.
Incompetence has become the overarching operational principle that defines the Harper government. This reality is being confirmed this morning I am watching with concern and disgust the Commons Committee hearing and I see the less than Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources dancing, diffusing and distracting from the legitimate questions of the Committee members. It is a shameful performance and does nothing to instill and sustain faith and confidence in him or the government he represents.

Accusing Dion of “not being a leader” in campaign style attack ads running outside the writ period so they don’t have to account for the excess spending is a pretty Bush league tactic.

And now the irony is thick as Mr. Harper proves, time and time again, that he is not only a poor leader but a dangerous one. The probationary period of the Harper minority governmet is over and it has not gained the confidence of Canadians. It is time for and election so Canadians can tell Harper it is time for him and his government to go.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michigan Primary Was BORRRRRing!!!

Mitt Romney played it well – promising to bring back American automotive jobs that have gone for good - they will not come back - Mitt’s promises notwithstanding. Playing to fears and defining the Republican Nanny/Daddy state with his promises – Romney is now the prince of Faults Hope and shows that you can still fool people in fear.

With a $2500 automobile made in India the US automotive industry is not only outsourced – it has missed the next market wave in the developing world – and that is where the automotive action is!

Poor old Over the Hillary mustered an underwhelming 60% of the Michigan non-primary “vote” without any other serious candidates in the race. The National Democratic Party is punishing Michigan for breaking their primary rules by going too early. They are not allowing delegates at the Denver National Convention in the late summer. A pointless process without any meaningful purpose and with nothing to talk about pretty much sums up the Democratic debacle in Michigan.

Nevada will be better and more indicative of to win the West. South Carolina is going to be a stir-fry made up of pundit pap and leftovers with no real “entre” for Giuliani who has left his “engagement” into the race way too late. It will mark the exit of Thompson, who may do well but South Carolina is the end of his rope, even if he “hangs in.” We will see the persistence of Paul who will muddle along but stay like the Energizer Bunny.

Independent voters are not a big block in South Carolina, as I understand it. How will the Black vote and female vote split and will they show up? They stayed home in Michigan which is not surprising. Will Edwards get a local lifeline from is birth state as Romney did today and win in a squeaker?

Nothing is certain going forward for either party - but one thing for sure Michigan was sure boring.

Premier Stelmach Goes to Washington.

Premier Stelmach is off the Washington DC today with his Ministers of Agriculture and Food and Sustainable Resource Development. This is an important meeting and even with the Washington heavy hitters on the Primary Hustings he has still arranged an impressive set of meetings. Gary Mar as the Alberta’s Envoy in Washington is already earning his keep.

One focus is on the food safety and that is important given the new BSE case just discovered. The other even more critical elements are investing in Alberta and continental energy supply and security.

The Americans are woefully ignorant of the Alberta oil sands and its potential for resolving their fossil fuel energy demands without going to war or being beholden to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. We have the oil sands recognized as the second largest reserves in the world behind Saudi Arabia and that is with current technology that only allows for us to utilize 10% of the potential.

The emerging American awareness over the oil sands is that it is environmentally speaking “dirty oil.” That is a concern in perception and there is some truth as well because of the GHG emissions inherent in the current mining techniques. The Americans, like most Canadians, have no clue as to what is being done to address those ecology issues in the province and industry.

Are the issues resolved? Not by a long shot! Are they being attended to? Yes but a greater and more energized focus has to be brought to bear on the concerns – by all concerned.

Premier Stelmach is seeing the right people in Washington on the energy and investment concerns for sure. He is meeting on Wednesday with the likes of the U.S. Energy Association, and participating in the U.S. Senate energy forum entitled “Alberta: Leading the Way on North American Energy Security.” He will participate in a briefing at the U. S. House of Representatives on “Trade and Investment Opportunities Between the U.S. and Alberta.”

On Thursday he speaks to food safety with the Canadian American Business Council then on to meeting with the Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture and the Acting Secretary of Agriculture. He also attends a business forum on expanded U.S. - Alberta – Canada relations and expanded trade opportunities. He has individual meetings with House of Representatives people like the Chair of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, another with a ranking member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Finally, after an extensive and impressive two days of meetings Stelmach has a bit of fun at the hockey game watching the Edmonton Oilers defeat the Washington Capitals.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What Will Happen in the Presidential Primaries This Week?

So this coming week we will see the Presidential Primaries moving into Nevada, Michigan and South Carolina. Every State will be very different and interesting for a variety of reasons. Is Michigan is Mitt’s last stand? Could South Carolina be the same for Edwards? Will race be a response factor for Obama support in South Carolina where 51% of the Democrats are black? Labour and Hispanics are trump cards in Nevada and which Democrat has them in their hand?

Will women, youth and independents continue to show up on the Democratic side? How long can Giuliani bide his time before he makes a move? Could it be he is awaiting too long and have nothing left for the kick he will in the final laps going into and through Super Tuesday?

I see the CNN folks who call themselves the “Best Political Team on Television” have backed off believing polls and pundits and spinmeisters in their commentaries this morning. They are not calling who they predict to we the winners and losers. They are not even identifying the leaders and laggards as such.

That discretion is very wise because everything is in play and even gender and race will be part of the conversations this week. Let’s hope it does not get framed and focused as being about racism and feminism in the process.

Now if we can only get MSM TV to go a bit deeper into the real issues. Recession is real and new on the agenda and will change the complexion of the campaigns from here on in. Expect Illegal Immigration to fade but not go away as the Republican candidates try to show themselves ad the masters of the fiscal universe. They will duck the reality of the dismal deficits created by the two Bush presidents and the surplus left by the Clinton presidency...some much for the so-called big-spending Democrats.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Edmonton Journal Starts a Pod Cast

Archie McLean, the Edmonton Journal’s Legislature Reporter has started a pod cast. Daveberta and I are the inaugural guests on this new initiative. Congratulations Archie and thanks for doing this.

Give it a listen