Reboot Alberta

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Harper's Old-School Politics of Command and Control Could be His Demise.

Lawrence Martin of the Globe and Mail is my favourite national political columnists. His analysis today about Stephen Harper leadership style and character and comments of Mr. Harper’s former mentor, Preston Manning are worth reading and pondering.

The man is all about tight command and control by the PMO. He applies it to everyone in the Harper government. The default talking point of every Conservative in Ottawa is to reference the sponsorship scandal. That is an old storyline that Canadians have moved beyond. However it is trotted out every time as the answer to any criticism directed at the Cons political, governance and statesmanship gaffe and shortcoming.

This centralized micromanaging and macro messaging control is Harper himself is bound to run its limits and try the patience of the voter. The sponsorship scandal as the Harper Cons answer to all issues is past frustrating, was never funny and now shows just how futile the Harper Cons are at real governing.

I love this African proverb and often think of it when I reflect on Mr. Harper as our pro tem PM. "If want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others." I like to add, if you want to do both you better transform the culture and find consensus. Tranfixing on dictating from the top will not go fast or far.

The Harper minority government has run its course. Unfortunately the Dion alternative is not seen as viable either. It is time for a different political approach and a different kind of person in politics. Given the nature of the job and the little upside for citizens to actually run for office, we may have ot wait a long time for that kind of change to occur.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Power and Influence

My friend (but no relation) Jason Chapman did this video as part of a project we worked on together with Vince and Dale as part of our Leadership Edmonton experience.

We are a generation apart but of one heart. I am so glad to see there are protest songs and the power of images and music still available to influence authority - and is still alive in some souls.

Thanks Jason. I hope readers of this Blog absorb and reflect on your work.

Gomery Not Amused - Harper Delays Mulroney-Schreiber Inquiry

I see retired Judge Gomery, the man who headed the investigation into the sponsorship scandal, is musing about Mr. Harper's commitment to convening the promised inquiry into the Mulroney-Schreiber affair.

Harper promised the inquiry last November and has found excuses to delay taking action. The time for excuses is past according to Gomery.

Gomery was also not amused that the Prime Minister delegated the determination of the scope of such an inquiry to a private citizen when it is the central role of good government to determine such things. Paul Martin had the strength of character to call a broadly based sponsorship inquiry. Many will suggest the inquiry results cost Martin his political career, for sure his place as Prime Minister.

Harper's firing of Bernier this week was justified and the right thing to do. It also helped Harper solve the problem that was about Bernier's proven incompetence. But he was Harper's most popular Quebec minister and the Cons need Quebec to win the next election. Bernier's prervious blunders were minor compared to his five month long Cabinet security breach.

That one instance aside, there is no indication Mr. Harper is made of the same stuff and Mr. Martin when it comes to his mentor Mulroney and the cloak and dagger dealing of Mr. Schreiber.

Harper's insouciance on this ethical issue is further evidence that it is time for him and his government to go. That looks like it will not happen until the next fixed election date comes up in November 2009. Too bad!

Alberta Venture Column on Ethical Issues in Business

Check out the Alberta Venture magazine and the "Odd Man Out" column. It is a commentary piece with myself of Cambridge Strategies Inc, Fil Fraser, Dr. Tony Fields of the Alberta Cancer Board and Janet Keeping of the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership.

This a regular column I participate in for Alberta Venture magazine focused on ethical issues in business.

I would be interested in reader feedback on the issue discussed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Updating the Public Record.

More Comments on Free Speech Limitations:
The continuing saga of proposals for the Alberta provincial governments to impose limitations on free speech during elections has been reviewed in a Calgary Herald editorial today. I have previous postings on this unnecessary and dangerous policy proposal, here, and here and here.

The Looming Fed-Prov Showdown on Environment:
A year ago former Alberta Premier Lougheed mused that a looming constitutional crisis between the governments of Canada and Alberta over environment jurisdictions and standards gets a boost today from Jeffery Simpson in the Globe and Mail today. Lougheed is recently quoted as saying his earlier suggestion that this constitutional dust up will be 10 times more volatile than the National Energy Program was a bit extreme. Maybe not. Time will tell.

Siemans Slush Fund and Bribery Trial:
Newspaper reports note that Siemans has been investigated for bribery charges in a dozen countries and were fined the maximum of 1 million Euros for bribes in 77 cases between 2001 and 2004. Sieman's was part of recent the testimony in the Schreiber/Mulroney affair. PM Harper has promised an inquiry into those dealings but has yet to deliver. Time to get going on this Mr. Harper.