What are the chances Pariah Minister Harper will approach the future of Canada with the same clarity, sentiment and caring as Obama does in this weekly message to Americans? Harper has a chance to be relevant, resolved and significant when he meets with the First Ministers on January 16 in preparation for the Budget due on January 27.
I'd say the chances of him getting it, being forthright and showing genuine concerned about us and our country instead of his own politcial neck are between slim and none --- and slim just left town.
I am interested in pragmatic pluralist politics, citizen participation, protecting democracy and exploring a full range of public policy issues from an Albertan perspective.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
01/03/09: President-elect Obama's Weekly Address
Wassup 2008
I have a soft spot for dark humour. This bit of darkness shows the fine line between comedy and tragedy, between beer ads and personal vulnerability.
A perfect prologue for what is coming. Change!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Themes of Hope Change Optimism and Anxiety Are All Part of the New Year.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Ode To Joy
Watching this Muppet video makes me realize that we may all need to slow down in 2009. It may help to slow down a bit if we want to truly express our talents.
It begs the question if we can even survive the pace we have created for ourselves or allowed ourselves to be caught up in.
Uncle Jay Explains: Year-end! 12-22-08
Lessons to be learned in the Christmas Spirit in familiar "themes." Hat Tip to Challenging the Commonplace Blog.