Early indications are that there is more interest in local elections for municipal government and school boards this time than three years ago. Only anecdotal but the advance poll in Edmonton shows a marked increase in voter turnout. The Edmonton Sun non-scientific on-line "poll" shows 67% of us say we will vote. We always say we will vote but we perpetually lie about our actual voting behaviours. Maybe citizens will have more integrity this time and do what they say on October 18th
Three years ago things were pretty rosy in Alberta, energy prices were soaring to new highs and everyone was scrambling to keep up with the overheated economy. Now the change is dramatic but in reality we are in a more normal economic situation but tinged with some critical uncertainties. Uncertainties like the US economy and the rise of the BRIC nations and enormous personal and public debt overhanging the psyche and climate change seeping in as a reality. It all adds up and with record gold prices we see the economic angst being acted out in the market place.
Back to the local realities in Alberta - will we see a revived sense of citizenship in improved voter turnout next Monday? What will be the ballot questions? Calgary is in a culture war that is illustrated by the wide array of candidates for mayor. I wonder if Calgary wants a new face for their city or if the entrenched power structure will opt for a version of a status quo candidate, McIver or Higgins.. Mandel won in Edmonton two elections ago because both highly touted front runners were found wanting in some fundamental way. The chance for change took over and both of them were rejected in favour of the third place candidate - Mandel. Could that happen in Calgary this time? Would Nenshi, Stewart or Hawkesworth benefit from this kinds of yearning for real change in Calgary?
Edmonton started out as a yawner of a campaign but has heated up significantly thanks to Envision Edmonton efforts to press for a plebiscite on the municipal airport closing. The mayoralty campaign here is turning into a battle for the next narrative of the story Edmonton wants to tell itself about itself. There is a sense by the traditionalists Envision Edmonton types to almost emulate the Wildrose as the yearn for an Edmonton of a time past. The modernists just want to be left alone and get on with their lives, make some money and without having to worry about messy things like politics, democracy, citizenship and social issues.
The real question in Edmonton is will the progressives show up and support Mandel or just presume his win is a foregone conclusion so they can stay indifferent and inert politically. If that happens and the grumpy types from Envision Edmonton show up then anything can happen. That is the nature of politics.
School Board elections are interesting in Edmonton - have not followed them in Calgary. EPSB is in for some serious change for sure, not sure about the Catholic board here but will ponder that in the next few days. too.
I encourage all Albertans to get informed and get into discussion with friends an family about what they want from their government and make a conscious considered choice at the polls. I especially encourage progressives to take this plea to heart. Indifference is inexcusable in tight races. The progressive voice is being lost in the Alberta political culture because we are not speaking up and not showing up. Other voices are speaking up and showing up. And they are taking over the political power in our province.
Remember it is not THE government. It is OUR government - whether you voted or not.
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
I am interested in pragmatic pluralist politics, citizen participation, protecting democracy and exploring a full range of public policy issues from an Albertan perspective.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Inspiring Hearts & Minds = Innovation in Education
Here is an updated blog post by Kim Bater - a candidate for School Trustee in Banff. Kim is a very creative leader and thinker with a dedication to public education.
Thanks to Esme Comfort, another candidate for school trustee in the same district for the link on Twitter @esmecomfort if you want ot follow her.
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
Thanks to Esme Comfort, another candidate for school trustee in the same district for the link on Twitter @esmecomfort if you want ot follow her.
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
Monday, October 11, 2010
Social Media 3Q Update: Who Uses Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, & MySpace? | Social Media Today
The digital world is still an amazing force that is changing communications, community, consciousness and content that we pay attention to in our daily lives. The demographic mix of users is changing and the growth is leveling off. It had to at some point but the level of engagement is still a phenomenon the be reckoned with. The impact on any business that depends on a social license to operate - like forestry, banks, oil&gas and oil sands need to figure out how to tap into this new world and how to use it.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Alberta Tea Party Possibilities Update
I recently did a post on the possibility of an Alberta Tea Party forming at some time possibly from the social conservatives and separatists in our midst.
Canada 2020 recently hosted a panel on Polling with Frank Graves (Ekos Research) Nik Nanos (Nanos Research) and Bruce Anderson (Harris/Decima) moderated by Don Newman. The panel was broadcast on CPAC last night and I missed it but hope it will be repeated. Should be worth a watch.
I point this out because Susan Delacourt who writes on this Ottawa-ish for the Toronto Star picked up on a comment from Harris/Decima about the possibility of a Canadian Tea Party equivalent. She wrote a story about it here. Susan has also written a blog post on it the concern here called "Distemper of our Times."
Nik Nanos, a very reliable pollsters at the Canada 2020 event, commented on "...the forces of disaggregation, the forces of discontent and the forces of dilution...of power." He concluded by saying "So to wrap up: expect political instability and turbulence. I believe we are at a risky but unintended place in our democracy -- that the forces of disaggregation
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
Canada 2020 recently hosted a panel on Polling with Frank Graves (Ekos Research) Nik Nanos (Nanos Research) and Bruce Anderson (Harris/Decima) moderated by Don Newman. The panel was broadcast on CPAC last night and I missed it but hope it will be repeated. Should be worth a watch.
I point this out because Susan Delacourt who writes on this Ottawa-ish for the Toronto Star picked up on a comment from Harris/Decima about the possibility of a Canadian Tea Party equivalent. She wrote a story about it here. Susan has also written a blog post on it the concern here called "Distemper of our Times."
Nik Nanos, a very reliable pollsters at the Canada 2020 event, commented on "...the forces of disaggregation, the forces of discontent and the forces of dilution...of power." He concluded by saying "So to wrap up: expect political instability and turbulence. I believe we are at a risky but unintended place in our democracy -- that the forces of disaggregation
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Premier's Awards for Alberta Public Service
The 2010 Premier's Award of Excellence are now out. These are the Alberta Public Service employee awards for "outstanding achievement in business excellence and service delivery to Albertan." There are Gold, Silver and Bronze levels
These are a great form of recognition by the Premier. I actually won one of these awards even though I never worked as a public servant. I am very proud to wear the Gold level pin. I was one of the external people bought in to help design and execute the Future Summit back in the day. The folks who ran that terrific project were generous enough to include me and another external consultant in their team to receive the award.
Ironically I was an external consultant on the Domestic Violence and Bullying project a few years back. It was dealing with male perpetrators and victims of domestic violence. It was a tense situation and a delicate role to play. I think I was the only male in the front lines of this very important project. It was the inspiration of the Minister of the day Iris Evans and Colleen Klein, the wife of former Premier Ralph Klein. It also won the Gold level that year. A different attitude by the internal administrative powers in place then actually excluded external people from participating in the Award of Excellence recognition. This had nothing to do with the Minister of Colleen Klein - just a small minded senior bureaucrat at the time.
I was proud to be associated with a great team of dedicated civil servants who worked on the ground in these projects and exemplified the essence of "business excellence and service delivery to Albertans" in both projects.
So my congratulations go out to this years Premier's Award of Excellence recipients. Thank you for your great work and service to the people of Alberta. I for one really appreciate it.
If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org
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