Reboot Alberta

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Climate Change 2007

If you see yourself as a citizen of the world and as an independent as well as interdependent free agent with a personal role and a responsibility for the health of the planet, you will want to bookmark this site and return to it often.

It is no longer a question of them and us or them versus us. It is now about all of us!

It is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change site. Heavy reading but worth the slog!

Candidate Obama's Dirty Little Secret...He's a Smoker!

Here is an interesting speculation on the “framing of an issue.” The front page of the Globe and Mail has a piece by Sinclair Stewart an“expose” on Democrat aspirant for Presidential nominee Barack Obama.

The Obama official campaign image of the “charismatic, youthful vigour and sex appeal that hasn’t been seen in their party (Democrats) since the days of John F. Kennedy” is threatened by some cognitive dissonance.

Why? Because Barack Obama is a smoker!

The fact that he smokes is front page news in a national Canadian newspaper! This factoid apparently trumps other potential framing characterizations of candidate Obama. For example, that he is serious black contender, experimented with drugs as a kid, the victim of a viral spreading of misinformation in fringe media and the blogosphere that had attended an Islamic madrassa during his childhood in Indonesia. And the misguided musings of “I coulda been a contender,” Senator Joe Biden’s comment about Obama being a “clean” black man.

The open question has now been stated. “Can a cigarette smoker win a presidential election?” The answer appears to be NO! Not in this day and age. “There will be people who are turned off because that’s a sign of addiction” according to American political strategist Jennifer Beylin. She goes on to say the real questions about Obama are “…is he electable (the black question?)…and…is he experienced enough?” (Youthful vigour is perhaps a two-edged sword.)

The article also frames the smoking issue aggressively. “Cigarette addiction, which not so long go was perceived as a mere psychological weakness, has suddenly come to signify a moral lapse, if not reckless endangerment.” A deeper context around smoking is expressed by McGill professor Jarrett Rudy. He frames the social values context of smoking in public places has come to be “…seen as a sign of aggression.” Rudy observes that “Smoking in public space makes them uninhabitable….To start smoking is an aggressive attempt to assert control over space.”

Times have really changed when a major question about a leading candidte for President of the United States of America is “Will America accept a smoker as President?” I wonder if that will be the question that will be the "value driver" for how citizen's actually decide who they choose to support. Will it become more dominant, even covertly, than the more obvious question “Is American ready for a black President?”

Isn't change interesting!

Friday, February 02, 2007

What a Strange Day!

What a strange day inded! The headline in the Edmonton Journal today says “Earth on Road to Disaster.” The world’s leading scientists are about to emerge in Paris telling us they have discovered the source of the problem of climate change…and it is “unequivocally” us. It is the consequence our use of fossil fuels, agriculture practices and deforestation that adds to the problem of transportation and industrialization.

The integrated system that is the environment is found to be massively responsive to small changes in temperature and the scientists confirm that with language like “…almost imperceptible changes have huge consequences.” The scientific community is “saying human society has to change course.” Apparently “…we need 90% emissions reductions globally sooner than later.”

We are being told there is a need for a sense of urgency. One scientist is quoted is saying “We cannot sustain the way we live. We can for a decade or two, but the signs are that it is going to get really bad. There is zero indication that the rate of increase (of GHG emissions) is slowing down.”

We used to be told to think globally and act locally. That is still valid advice. However now we have to add to that affirmation and act immediately and think long term too. The narcissism of the Baby Boomers, especially in the developed countries, must undergo a complete transformation.

The key message from the scientific community on climate change is “It’s time for politicians to step up to the plate.” Sobering stuff for all of us!

Then I reach the Business Section. The headline there is “Imperial (oil) Rakes in Largest Profit in 126 Years. The profit is $39.5 Billion in 2006, up from a mere 36.1 Billion in 2005. I’m thinking, there are big changes coming fast and some serious mind altering “stepping up to the plate” that will have to be done by these folks as well.

We know that has to be done. We know how to do much of it. Much of the technology needed already exists. We cannot only be found admiring the problem and caught in the trap of technology hope. We have to fundamentally change how we live as a species. The real challenge is to figure out how we are going to have to adapt and then to do it. NOW!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tom Olsen Goes to the Dark Side

It is with a heavy heart I had to remove the Tom Olsen Blog link from this site. But he has either passed on or passed away. In any event he has moved through the veil of post- journalism tears.

He will soon re-emerge (but not ressurect) on the dark side as part of Premier Ed Stelmach's Communications Team. Good for him ...and even better for Ed!

More "aTacky Ads" - But Now They are Funny!

Well it looks like Jason Cherniak is working his way up to a high profile spot in next years Sundance Film Festival. He has done another YouTube "take" on the attack ads. And for those who will get their knickers all knotted, yes he edits and it misleads. But no more than Rick Mercer, the Air Farce or This Hour Has 22 Minutes. We know this is closre to those inspirations than American negative ads. This stuff presented as nothing except pure spoof.

The line between truth and satire is a delightful curiosity. So is the line between farce and satire...but in each case the "truth" or "truthiness" be damned - which is just fine so long as it is obvious. I just wish sarcasm and irony worked well in print too.

Jason is a serious and high quality blogger but he is clearly having fun. Good on him!