Reboot Alberta

Monday, May 27, 2013

Orwellian Governance in the Canadian Context

If this blog is to revive I want to do it systemically and thematically around supporting the return to democracy through enlightened progressive citizen engagement.

My friend Allan Gregg recently spoke to the Alberta Federation of Labour about this set of issues in the federalist context.  I thank the folks at for posting it for the rest of us.

This is a 38 minute video.  So get a coffee or a tea and settle in and focus on the content and context.  In a sober second thought, perhaps you should pour yourself something stronger.  You may feel you need it after you fathom Allan's message.

Orwellian Governance in the Current Canadian Context

Looking forward to your feedback...even on if I should be back.
Is it time to revive this blog?  I will be publishing on oil sands issues as an owner of the asset at

Is there another theme that this blog could pursue around citizen engagement and democracy commentary?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Take Time to Vote for The Grizzly Manifesto

I am championing Jeff Gailus' book The Grizzly Manifesto in the Alberta Readers' Choice Awards.  You can vote for this book - and you should - if only because I asked you to.  But you should also read the book and the other four books in the competition.  There is a rich array of genres awaiting your reading pleasure.

Here is a link to vote for Jeff's book. You have until the end of business on May 31 to vote on this book - so don't waste any time!  Vote once a day.  It is allowed!

If you want to get a sense of why I am championing this book - read this newspaper article based on an interview I did on The Grizzly Manifesto.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Alberta Party Leadership Candidate Debate

Here is the long form video of the recent Alberta Party Leadership Debate held in Calgary.  It is 2 hours long so put on a pot of coffee first.

The Alberta Party Leadership Convention is in Edmonton May 27-28 and will be Live streamed.  More to follow on those details.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vote for The Grizzly Manifesto in the Readers' Choice Awards.

The Readers' Choice Awards is a great prize and serious upside recognition for an Alberta author. The competition this year is between five terrific titles but my preferences is for The Grizzly Manifesto.  I really think Albertans are hungry for this kind of information and narrative.  We can't presume our species is in control and be oblivious to our place in the biosphere - even the carbon cycle.

Jeff Gailus teachers us, implores us and after reading this book, I know it will motivate us to take a more meaningful  look as how humanity is integrated into nature.  We have to do a much better job of being human within nature, not just consumers who are indifferent to our place in the planet.

I strongly recommend you read all the books but you vote for The Grizzly Manifesto.  It is not like an election.  Here you can vote early and often - until the end of May.

Here is the link to vote for the book I am championing.   

As for the rest, you can check them out here - but only after you vote for The Grizzly Manifesto.

Vote a bunch of times between now and May 31 and tell your friends and family to vote for The Grizzly Manifesto - but be sure to buy it and read it too.