Reboot Alberta

Thursday, May 01, 2008

It is Time Alberta Ramped Up Tailing Pond Reclamation Requirements

Back in the day Syncrude was one of the top rated corporate citizens in the country and for sure in Alberta. In the days when Eric Newell and Jim Carter were at the helm, Syncrude’s community involvement, imaginative philanthropy and social responsibility performance was exemplary.

Their fostering and nurturing of aboriginal people in hiring and contracting was ground breaking. They have recently received the first reclamation certificate for any oil sands operator. Their environmental leadership was also well known and respected.

Then things seemed to change when Exxon took over the corporate leadership. The focus became more about maximizing profits and pushing growth over an integrated sustainable an responsible approach to development.

Now it seems to many observers that this project is being run mostly out of Houston more than from Fort McMurray. Syncrude is a complex corporate entity with an interesting mix of other corporate owners. I am sure they are all starting to think about what exactly the impact of the recent death of ducks in their toxic tailing ponds means for them as owners and their social license to operate now too.

There were some players in the oil industry who overplayed their hands using intimidation tactics on Ed Stelmach during the public debate on the royalty review. I can’t think of a single threat those players made then that had any real substance or could be tied to the royalty rate increases…which do not even start until January 1, 2009.

The Government of Alberta is the proxy for the citizens of Alberta to ensure our natural resources are developed in a sustainable and responsible manner. The days of the energy industry self-regulation, self-monitoring and voluntary reporting of their environmental performance obligations should be over. Our government needs to step up to the plate and take over inspections and reassert its responsibility to the citizens of Alberta.

The need to ensure high environmental standards and enforced for air, land and water protection is squarely on the Stelmach government’s shoulders. They also need to take steps to ensure biodiversity and wildlife habitat protection has to be added to the GOA’s active engagement in ecological integrity.

Syncrude was required at one time to set aside $100m for reassurance around their reclamation obligations. That was reduced to a line of credit only. Then the annual $1m fee for keeping the $100m line of credit was eliminated along with the line of credit - with a promise that Syncrude’s reclamation efforts would start sooner. Syncrude has done some reclamation and it takes time but one site in 40 years is nothing to brag about in the bigger scheme of things.

Clearly the Alberta government has to demand that tailing pond reclamation for all producers start immediately and that it be done right – not just rapidly. Suncor, for example, has committed to reclaim its first tailing pond by 2010. That is a 136 hectare site that Suncor says will include rebuilding wetlands to encourage the return of wildlife. We need to see more examples like that coming from industry. Perhaps more huge profits being realized from $100 oil need to be invested in reclamation now and not wait for other generations to carry the can.

Government spending $25m on a PR campaign to “protect Alberta’s integrity” will do nothing of the sort and will actually do more harm than good if that is the key message. You can’t buy integrity and respect with advertising and brochures…you have to earn it. Substance over style and performance over posturing will have to be the new standards of behaviour that must become embed in our provincial culture.

Albertans will expect nothing less from their government and the energy corporations who we license to develop our natural resources. The energy industry is only a tenant. They are not the owner of the resource. Albertans own these resources and we have the obligation to insist our government and our tenants act responsibly and not just expediently in how they are developed.

The ecological tipping point has arrived and the citizens of Alberta are coming out of their cynicism and are mad as hell. I think they will become much more informed, aware, engaged and insistent about environmental performance concerns in all aspects of our provincial progress as an energy supplier.

Anyone who want to get re-elected or requires a natural resource lease and a social license to operate those resources had better take this new Alberta attitude to heart. The public is watching and they are not impressed.


  1. Anonymous12:30 pm

    "Government spending $25m on a PR campaign to “protect Alberta’s integrity” will do nothing of the sort and will actually do more harm than good if that is the key message. You can’t buy integrity and respect with advertising and brochures…you have to earn it."


  2. Anonymous9:48 am

    The PC PArty has made so much money from the tarsand players. I counted 14 tables at the premiers dinner of corporations directly doing business in Fort McMurray. (to say nothing of the dozens of other tables of lawyers, engineers, suppliers etc). the PC Party fortune is too closley tied to the tarsands. It cannot possibly undertake a tough stance for Albertans on environmental issues or royalties.

    Some day, a decade or so from now, Albertans will realize how much oil wealth has been piddled away and environmental damage has been caused.

  3. Anonymous12:29 pm


    Have to agree that the environmental preformance was better in the past. AND a revamping of our current approach is called for. Your suggestions are sound.

    At a previous time the corporations active in Alberta were dominated by Canadian companies, that somehow had a 'can do' (no pun intended, that is a different blog for a different day) attitude toward development and reclamation.

    Our mining sector [Suncor, for one, had amazing R&D in environmental areas]....( but generally, not sector in Ft. Mc) had on-the-ground results that made the US mining industry's results look well, pale and ineffective.....

    Now we have a mining sector that is dominated by non-Canadian companies and the results, and as you point out even the rules, have changed.... perhaps they do not understand our expectations?

    If the current opportunity is not taken to better match results to expectations....

    ...well, WHEN...the river system gets compromised... it will be too late.

    Sorry guys it is not the re-election of the current gov't that is at risk; nor is it the profit margins of the current industry players at risk; IT IS ALL THAT AND A WHOLE LOT MORE... is our environmental integrity which is the underpinnings of the economic engine of WOOD BUFFALO, ALBERTA, CANADA.... the time that mess, a destroyed river system, is cleaned up alberta oil will be like the 1800's coal... a dirty and dangerous energy source that never went out of use, never went away... but was surpassed by new sources with new technology...

    [Read the history to find out how many fortunes were lost and regional economies tanked when that happened]

    look how hard it is to get to 'clean coal' both technically and politically even today.

    check the markets guys... clean technologies are doing as well or better than O&G... and oil and gas are flying on the markets...

    ...but surely everyone can see the economic risks [implied social risks in addition to the environmental risks] and we do not need to wait that long?

    Personally, I understand the focus on O&G in Alberta, perhaps I even understand a bit of foot draging for required changes... and while I might like it to be different... well I am prepared to be patient while we concentrate on our collective economic strengths...

    AS LONG AS we START doing the O&G (full life cycle including water, land usage + reclamation, etc..) right.

    That my friends can't happen any sooner than now. Please?


  4. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Anonymous 9:48 AM,

    Right. So if someone pays to attend a political party fundraiser, they can't possibly be constrained by a government formed by that party. So in your jaded view of the world, if the Alberta Liberal Party ever formed government - God forbid - they would not be able to act either, since many of those same companies donate to them. Ever hear of Murray Edwards, major Liberal supporter and key shareholder in several of the biggest Canadian energy and energy service names? In addition, the Alberta Liberals and the NDP could never rule against unions since they both received money from them for the last election campaign.

    "Some day, a decade or so from now, Albertans will realize how much oil wealth has been piddled away and environmental damage has been caused."

    Come off your high horse. Rather, some day Albertans will realize how much benefit our oil wealth has been to the economy of this province and the rest of Canada, and how much better our quality of life and our environment is than in many other places in the world. There is a huge positive correlation between the wealth of a society and its environment... but some groups make their living shouting down that inconvenient truth.

  5. Anonymous6:39 pm

    The environment of AB is not better that that of many other places on Earth, only Russia and 3rd world countries. The tailing ponds will cost $25 billion to partially cleanup.
    I don't see the benefit of AB's oil wealth. I went there twice to get on the oil fields. I was told I needed to take a $1300 safety course with no assurance of a job. After a drive from Cgy to Ft McMurray, every single one of about 50 oil service companies I went to apply at told me they only hired locally (I'm sure that is some sort of Charter-illegal discrimination). I couldn't even get a Driver's License there to hold a $9.00/hr job a relative got me, they compounded a MB Licensing computer screwup.
    When the tailing ponds, fail will the AB accept federal disaster aid, or will they maintain the libertopian rhetoric?
    In my calculation, the $25 billion tailing pond cleanup is a small percentage of the total externalities caused by big oil. Is the AB quality-of-living higher than in the rest of Canada? It deosn't show up in the stats Canada longevity tables (all of Western Canada lives about a year longer than the East, maybe from reduced exposure to East Coast pollution).
    Jeez, someone suggests AB charge big oil some partial costs of their resource extraction, and Albertans immediately take it as an attack on the whole industry. For the record, wind power is about 3-4x as employee intensive as oil. I take that to mean a 3-4x smaller wind industry returns as many benefits to people as does a larger oil industry, with AB oil taxes (at present levels) not quite covering sustainable infrastructure spending costs and American oil stock-option holders laughing.


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