Reboot Alberta

Friday, August 29, 2008

More Palin for VP talk

So here is the GOP VP Nominee - Sarah Palin. This clip is last year in response to the rumours she may be considered for the VP lsot.

This shows how the old-boy sexist Republicans saw her. Nice to see a woman nominee. Too bad she may be an example of gender tokenism.

She is pretty stong politically. She brought Big Oil to its knees on fraud charges over Alaska resource royalites.

She is tough and competent and the real political maverick on the McCain-Palin ticket.


  1. I don't know that I'd go so far as to call it gender tokenism. But I guess people will end up believing whatever the media choose to spin out of this one.

  2. Anonymous3:43 pm

    Sarah who? She has zero profile.

    Her inexperience neutralizes the attack on Obama's inexperience.

    She is a heart beat away from the presidency and her credentials are hopeless. I am sure she is a nice lady and all but really, is she seriously presidential material? Is the bar so low to be on a presidential ticket? Can she lead a superpower?

    This choice is a disaster for McCain.

  3. Anonymous6:56 pm

    At least McCain-Palin stands for something other than Obama's tokenism. Heck, Obama even thinks there's a President of Canada. What a joke.

  4. Steve Harper also thinks he is President of Canada and wants to be Emporer of Canada - so he is disappointed.

  5. Steve Harper also thinks he is President of Canada and wants to be Emporer of Canada - so he is disappointed.

  6. A 'hockey mom' for Vice-President. Why not? They've already had an actor, and at some point there will probably be a janitor. Who knows? And what does it matter, when the fact is, as Benjamin Disrali said: "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

  7. I think she is the perfect Republican female choice. I don't think she will attract the disaffected Hillary women with her stand on abortion and guns.

    I wonder how well she will be received by the backrom boys of the GOP. Graciously and generously I hope but I'm skeptical and not holding my breath for that to happen.

  8. Anonymous7:10 pm

    When Harper wins the next election, what are you going to say Ken? Will you then at least realize that the Canadian people have rejected your party and their principles?

  9. Anonymous10:58 pm

    It's great to see more women in poltiics yes, but particularly women with solid conservative credentials. Her stand for the right to life and the right to bear arms will have broad appeal.

  10. Anonymous - when you say Mrs. Palin will have a "broad" appeal - you are not making a pun are you?

  11. Anonymous2:29 am

    Sarah Palin reeks gravitas. She will stare down the axis of evil.

  12. Anon - Palin and Gravitas in the same sentence - please confirm you are being sarcastic and not serious.

    It is hard to tell with the anon types from the self-righteous right - the are always seriously maladapted to reality and facts and actually believe such pronouncements.

    It is just a hard to tell if other anons are just teasing us with such statements and mean them as humour - a dark as it is.

    I see some GOP types and our own Harpercrites are on about Obama's depth of experience for foreign affairs. Palin's CV is laughable if it was not so serious. She is so under qualified for the leadership of the free world.

    She is potentially one heart attack away from the Oval since her only barrier is a 72 year old guy who is obviously under lots of stress these days.

    She was obviously not his choice for VP. She is there to shore up the evangelical base, the NRA gun toters and pro-lifers...all of whom don't think much of John as the GOP candidate.

    She is going to be his Party keeper and to keep tabs on him and even "tell on him" too - if he ever wins the Presidency.

    The stress on McCain, the Grand Old Man of the Grand Old Party, is only going to get worse especially with his attitude towards domestic and foreign affairs. I feel sorry for McCain already. With Palin opening his mail, it is going to be a long 2 months to the elections and a debilitating 4 years if he wins.

  13. Anonymous9:29 am

    A heart attack anon 343 - she is a heart attack away from the presidency...not a heart beat...a beating heart means she's still vice president.

  14. John McCain did a great job appealing to his base tonight, and more power to him. The highlight for me - his creating the atmosphere for the biggest expansion of power development the world has ever seen - drilling for oil, nuclear power, wind, solar, tide energy, electric cars, the works.

    Pelossi and Obamas and their Dems' hopes to see gas spike to $10 so Americans use of power will change is so utterly stupid and naive that even Paris Hilton got it right in her very amusing McCain rebuttal.

    When Americans really realize the extent to which Obama and the gang want to massively increase taxes on everybody, increase size of government, massively increase the size of debt and deficit to allow everyone free health care and free post secondary education, they'll suddenly have such an attack of fear as they stand alone in that ballot box that the security, intelligence, experience,hope and successful future offered by McCain will move that shaking hand to mark an X beside every Republican name on the ballot.

    Kinda like how Canadians will suddenly wake up to the stunning tax grab and wealth distribution nightmare planned in such poor detail by a bankrupt Dion Liberal Party. Yessir - we Canadians really need a guy who cannot manage the small scale funds of the Liberal Party - but who will get it right when he practices on the Nation's and Canadians' money.

    He didn't get the job done in getting sufficient backing for his own cause. And now he wants to 'get the job done' on us Canadians.

    Harper Majority PLEASE!!!!


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