I am interested in pragmatic pluralist politics, citizen participation, protecting democracy and exploring a full range of public policy issues from an Albertan perspective.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Congratulations CBC for Your ON-LINE Election Site.
Congratulations to the CBC for providing this on-line vehicle to help make that opportunity for engaged citizenship to happen.
Terrifying Harper thought...the ideological arts cuts he just did are a precursor to killing the CBC if he gets a majority. If Gywnne Dyer is an ideological enemy of the neo-Con Harper cabal, imagine how Harper must view the CBC.
Be afraid CBC fans - be very afraid.
Day One: Harper Says He's Mr. Rogers and Layton Says He's a Canuck Obama. LOL!
Harper is using TV ads to repackage his image as Mr. Rogers and wants to “welcome us to his neighbourhood.” He will spend millions of dollars to try and convince Canadians he has moved away from his chair kicking micro-manager control freak leadership style.
He will leave Canadians wondering who about the real Stephen Harper. Is the conniving and deceitful promise breaker dead? Is the Eerie Uncle Steve television commercial shot in soft focused sepia-tone with Harper in a sweater vest the real man? I don’t think so.
He has been repeatedly evasive and unconvincing why he is forcing an election now in breach of his own fixed election law. He says in an opening day CTV interview that his government has accomplished a lot since elected, including passing three budgets and plenty of legislation. So he is a successful government and an accomplished leader. So much for a dysfunctional Parliament!
He says he wants to spend $400m of our tax money on an unnecessary election just so he can lead another minority government. What a waste of money. What hubris and arrogance. I expect Harper’s election campaign this will prove unequivocally to the majority of Canadians that he is not to be trusted. If the lead up and the first day are any indication of the future of Harper campaign style it will be about a thousand points of bullshit.
Jack has already embarrassed himself by claiming to be the Canadian Obama in the launch of his campaign. Spare me. He is running for second place because he believes the pointless popularity poll ranking that puts him minimally ahead of Dion in leadership capability. He forgets or ignores the impact of the Cons who have spent about $2,000,000.00 in carpet bombing television attach ads in the past year framing Dion as "not a leader."
Ironically Dion has obviously personally suffered from the attack ads, but the Liberal brand has not. The Libs have stayed statistically tied with the Cons in popular support in spite of the carpet bombing attack ads by the Cons. Now we have an election and leadership is really an issue. Layton claiming to be an Obama wanna-be is embarrassing and awkward at so many levels. Self-delusion is not a winning quality for political success. Jack’s fantasy narrative as the Canuck Obama is going to at least make him subject to snickering if not outright ridicule.
In reality Jack is pretending to look ahead to take a direct run at Harper. In reality he is actually looking over his shoulder at the growing popularity of the Greens under Elizabeth May. The May Greens will be breathing down Jack’s his neck all over the country. The Greens will prove to be the safe parking lot of choice for the millions of disenchanted voters who want to send a message to the old-school parties…including Jack and the NDP.
The real test of Layton’s shift-to-the-right leadership will be if he ends up holding the balance of power if the election outcome is a Harper minority government. He will no longer have the luxury of dog-in-a-manger voting tactic without fear of causing an unnecessary election. Jack likes to criticize Dion for supporting the last Harper government and he brags that he consistently voted against the old Harper government. A new Harper minority Jack will be intimidated, bullied and extorted. That will put the Layton Dippers on the bubble next time.
We will then see just how committed Jack will be to his political principles. We will see him really tested as to the quality of his character if he turns out to be a Harper sock puppet if this election returns another Harper minority.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Harper May Not Be Breaking His Election Law But He is Breaking Another Promise
A recent newspaper story is showing some other heavyweight policy thinkers are on the same wave length.
It is an open question if Harper will have broken his own law around fixed election dates. For sure the “fix is in” and he want an election now, on his terms for his advantage and on his timing. Silly citizens who think elections about them have to realize they are the not focus of any Harper election scam.
Maybe there is a legal issue around Harper’s attempt to call an election on such unproven grounds and with no relevant evidence to support this claims in the face of his fixed date election law. Maybe we need to have that question of law put as a Reference to the Supreme Court for a ruling.
The Supremes recently dealt with the BCE privatization matter very expeditiously. No reason to believe they couldn’t do it just as expeditiously. This time it would be for the sake of preserving the Rule of Law and an effective democracy in the land.
In any event we don't know for sure if Harper is breaking the law in his attempt to force an election now. One thing for sure his actions are a breach of trust with the spirit and intent of the fixed election dates law. One thing for sure is that Harper is a promise breaker - and he is about to do that again.
Sarah Palin and Alaskan Independence Party (AIP)
Maybe Governor Palin was not a member of the Alaska Independence Party and only her husband was. I think the record is clear abouot him but fuzzy in her regard.
According to a clip in this video some folks in the AIP seem to remember that she was a one time member. But what do they know and what does that prove? No much. Only thing for sure is a smoking gun.
It is kind of like the half truths and diversionary tactics that Harper uses on things like his Quebec-centric IN-OUT Campaign Advertising Scams and the Cadman Insurance Affair...then there is the BS about a dysfuntional Parliament. It is about being shifty and not straight up and fessing up. Straight up and fessing up is not Harper's style.
I suggest that if she ever was an AIP member, so what. People change and learn and adapt and move on. If she still is an AIP member that is a problem. Given that she is now a Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate running under a campaign theme of Country First, that is a problem.
Alberta Socialist Meets Alaska Separatist
Repubican VP Nominee, Sarah Palin was a one-time member of an Alaska independence political movement. That was before she went mainline as a moose eating Republican Governor in Alaska.
Looking at this photo of Alberta NDP leader Brian Mason and American Republican Vice President Candidate Sarah Palin shows me Mason "gets it." I also makes me smile and refreshes my memory as to why I love politics. It even helps reaffirm my faith that we can attract quality people into politics and for the right reasons - public service...not personal political power.
H/T to another Facebook Friend: Marisa Etmanski - who also gets it.