I got this in my Inbox this morning and feel compelled to share it. It is partisan from the Liberal Party of Canada - of which I am a member. It is not however the negative style ads like the Puffin pooping approach of the Harper Cons. This is fact based reality showing how totalitarian and anti-democratic Prime Minister Harper is behaving.
The people on Stephen Harper’s enemies list aren’t so different from you and me.
Richard Colvin. Munir Sheikh. Linda Keen. Or the rest of the dozen watchdogs and public servants the Conservatives have fired, forced out, harassed or publicly maligned since they took office.
They’re just regular Canadians, dedicated to doing their jobs the best they can. Telling the truth because it’s the right thing to do.
These distinguished Canadians had the courage to speak truth to power and were punished for it. That’s why I’m asking you to speak up. Please take a moment to visit the Harper enemies list slideshow and add your name in support.
Harper’s adding new enemies to his list every week.
Last Tuesday veterans ombudsman Pat Stogran was sacked for standing up for veterans. Wednesday it was RCMP firearms Chief Supt. Marty Cheliak, pushed aside for fighting to keep the life-saving gun registry.
Now reports are surfacing that Conservatives are trying to oust CRTC chair Konrad von Finckenstein and vice-chair Michel Arpin in a bid to remake the Canadian media landscape in the Conservatives' own image.
Take a stand for these dedicated Canadians who refused to put Conservative ideology before public interest. Watch the Harper enemies list slideshow and add your name in support. The Liberal Party, the only progressive, compassionate and responsible alternative that can replace the Harper Government today, is standing behind you.If you want a progressive political culture in the Next Alberta register now for RebootAlberta 3.0 at www.rebootalberta.org