Reboot Alberta

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Future of Alberta Politics is Collaboration Not Competition

Dave King has penned a thoughtful blog post on collaboration being a better governing model than the tired and distrusted competition model of politics we are stuck in these days.  Dave applies us usual wisdom and wit to the world as he sees it.

In the outmoded adversarial model of politics and governing we short change our society because we seek competition for power trumping good governance.  If a good idea emerges from the opposition, the old-style politics will reject it because they don't want to be seen as giving the opposition any credit.  There are exceptions but they are rare.

In the outmoded adversarial model we use simplistic debates to find an answer to complex issues.  To every complex problem there is a simple answer - that is wrong!  Dialectic arguments are an insufficient decision model for a modern interdependent and integrated world.  To "win" in a political debate like in a legal argument, you don't  have to prove you are right - you merely have to prove the other side "wrong."  The nurturing of good ideas to make them better never happens because some adversary says "yeah but" pointing out some flaw, real or fictitious, and the best of a good new idea is shelved for fear of uncertainty.

Uncertainty is the only certainty in the real world these days.  The key question for citizens in selecting a government is to figure out who you can trust, respect and rely on to hold true to the best interests of the greater good.  What is it about a candidate and a leader that makes them worthy of your vote and your consent to be governed?  Who can show caring and compassion while empowering individuals to become the best they can be but in the service of that greater good is the talent for a 21st century collaborative politician.  Who can do all this and enhance the environment and not just plunder it in the process.

We in the Alberta Party are striving to be collaborative first. We prefer a co-creative approach that is about design not just debate.  There is a place for debate but based on curiosity and sharing of ideas, not jut defeating the opposition. The competition between good ideas must be about the ideas themselves.  Ideas should be judged on their merits and not just rejected because of the sources.  Give credit where credit is due is part of a new political culture we need to foster in our Alberta...and this, I believe, can all be achieved through the Alberta Party.  Get Alberta Party curious and learn more.  Join this citizen's movement that is based on thinking for a change.  It is a place to start to be the change you want to see.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Alberta is Changing - But for the Better?

There is a fascinating set of op-eds in today's Edmonton Journal that I recommend highly to every Albertan who wants a real change in the political culture and direction of this province.

Graham Thomson chronicles (and foreshadows?) the plight of David Swann and the Alberta Liberals.  They have turned into spectators not participants as the political ground shifts beneath them...and everyone else.  Given the ineptness of the Stelmach PCs and the unease of the real agenda of the Alliance, the Liberals should be soaring in the polls and the natural alternative for informed engaged and progressive thinking Albertans.  It has not happened.  Asking why this is the case is pointless now.  What to do about the rise of the right and the self-righteous is the key question now.

We have to do something about the ugly side of politics if good guys like Ed Stelmach and David Swann are politically  sand-bagged and personally crucified by dark forces of self interest and personal power aspirations.  Democracy needs am makeover in this province.

Next up is a very well reasoned essay by former Reform leader Preston Manning saying the PCs best reinvigorate with a new leader of it is "game over."  Like so many on the enthocentric far right, they tend to drink too much of their own bathwater.  Manning does that in spades.  He only sees the Wildrose Alliance as a viable alternative.  Given his history and the pack he runs with, that narrow view is understandable, but he is a much wiser observer of the political scene to be so myopic.  

Take his commentary and replace Wildrose Alliance with Alberta Party each time.  Except for the name and a few other changes the story is the same one. (apologies to Neil Diamond - I stole that line from his song "I Am I Said").  The emergence and growth of the Alberta Party shows a citizen's movement morphing into a political party with spirit, energy and an attitude that the status quo nor a return to the 50s is not the preferred future for Alberta.  With our gifts, talents and skills Alberta should aspire beyond the "Alberta Advantage" attitude of being the best in the world.  We need a new "Alberta Aspiration" to be the best for the world.

Preston Manning has a clear understanding of the situation in Alberta but his solution lens is too narrow.  There are other political options emerging to the Wildrose the Alberta Party.  There are other forums emerging beyond his Centre for Democracy for the Citizen's Assembly to a refocused Reboot Alberta to become a think-tank to offset the Libertarian harshness of the Fraser Institute and the Fundamentalist framing of the Manning Centre.

I have a lot of time for Preston Manning but like the rest of us, he is captive of his own history and experiences.  Don't be fooled by the limited options he presents...there are others. But do reflect on his analysis and ideas...that is the value he provides to the future focus of the Next Alberta.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Alberta Party Makes it Into the Economist

For a party that has just an Acting Leader and no leader, a policy that is a work in progress, no candidates and one sitting MLA for less than a week, to be seen as a political force by the Economist magazine, is high praise indeed.

It is reason for hope amongst those of use deeply committed to this centrist, moderate, inclusive, creative and energized progressive citizens movement.  We ere becoming a political force to be reckoned with in the changing  landscape of Alberta political culture.

Stay tuned to the growth and rise of the Alberta Party.  I am working hard to recruit Glenn Taylor to lead us.  We are making great progress in his due diligence to finally decide to take on this challenge.  As a newly elected Mayor of Hinton just into his third term, one of the key considerations he has to deal with is the expectations and obligations to the citizen of his community. Here is a link to and editorial and a story in the Hinton Voice on his possible run at leading the Alberta Party.

There are a few more lose ends.  Once we have the final rules of the leadership process from the Provincial Board, Glenn can make his final decision.  Those rules will be settled on February 5 so look for the final decision if Glenn Taylor will run or not shortly afterwards.

Have Faith in Ted - He's a Healer!

First I applaud Ted Morton for stepping down from Cabinet and announcing his candidacy for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta.  Premier Stelmach did the same thing in 2006.  At least they agreed on that approach to campaigning. for the leadership.

Interesting that Dr. Morton is calling on Wildrose Alliance types to return to the true Conservative "Mothership," the PC Party under his rule - or thumb - depending on your preferred metaphor.  Mr. Morton insists the unite the right must be done to avoid vote splitting and the moderates making problems for them by coming up the middle.

I expect the progressives in the PC party will have trouble finding a candidate they can believe in to run in this leadership race.  It is not Alison Redford although she has the inside track if you listen to the chattering class.  Her resume reads like a social democrat but her approach to governing is very much a command and control old fashioned law and order agenda.

With no progressive force in the leadership race Dr. Morton will win and purge the Red Tories out of the party like Harper has done federally.  The governing philosophy of the Smith Alliance or the Morton Conservatives will be a combination Calgary School and Fraser Institute with minor variations depending who rules the Republic of Alberta.

Here is an interesting Calgary Herald video clip of the Dr. Morton Cabinet resignation announcement with comments from Smith of the Alliance and Mason of the NDP.  Form your own conclusions.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ted Morton Quits Stelmach Cabinet - Runs for Premier.

Today Ted Morton did what I predicted earlier in the day in this blog...he just did it much sooner than I thought. He resigned from the Stelmach Cabinet and announced his run at the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta leadership.

So the PC Leadership starts today and now one Ted Morton is waiting for the niceties of Premier Stelmach writing his exit letter to the Party President.

Game on!  But a PC Party lead by Ted Morton will see to it that the word Progressive is expunged from the party name.  There are Principles of the PC party will have to be expunged too.  For example Ted Morton is a social conservative Family Values kind of guy. How long do you think this Principle of the PC Party will last?

The family is paramount in the development of social responsibility and a sense of self-worth. The family, as defined by its individual members, is of vital importance to our communities. (emphasis added)

Or this Principle on Social Policies when he wants to impose draconian cuts to social programs in his preferred future budget and give massive subsidies and royalty breaks to the energy sector for billions of bucks

Our social policies should support an environment in which Albertans can work together, be self-reliant, and accept responsibility for their own lives. We also believe that our social policies should ensure that those who need assistance can lead dignified and meaningful lives. (emphasis added)
Or how about Alberta's role in Canada when Dr. Morton is one of those, along with Stephen Harper, who believes Alberta should have a Firewall built around us to keep the influences of the rest of Canada at bay.
We must strive to maintain sovereignty over provincial matters, believing that a strong and vibrant Alberta is a cornerstone of a strong and united Canada. (emphasis added)

inally here is some more context on the real Ted Morton, a story from the Archives of the Calgary Herald the last time he ran to ruin Alberta.
Welcome to the culture war on the far right as Ted and Danielle duke it out and regardless of which one of them wins, Alberta will be taken backwards in time, attitudes and treatment of those who are "different.