Reboot Alberta

Monday, February 11, 2008

Concerned Christians Canada Are Allegedly Launching a Human Rights Complaint for Mr. Chandler

Misguided and mistaken is about the kindest things one can say about the report of the “Concerned Christians Canada” allegedly filing a human rights complaint against Ed Stelmach and the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta.

This complaint is over the party’s rejection of Mr. Chandler as a candidate in Calgary Egmont is not the stuff for an effective human rights decision for reasons well articulated by others. That said, this initiative is more tactical than anything else. These folks don’t like human rights commissions at all and launching this complaint will be used as a means to argue against them as much as it will be about the PC Party.

So let in the clowns and let's get on with the circus.


  1. Stelmachs all right, when he first got elected I remember driving these two young politicians, one was upset with stelmach, he said" stelmachs like sausage and perogies and alberta should be on a caviar and champaign diet"

  2. What a bunch of crackpots...

  3. Anonymous7:35 am

    The Charter does protect freedom of religion as well as freedom of expression. I am sure that there are arguable legal points on both sides. Ken, you are not a practising lawyer and should not opine on legal issues - well, I guess you can but you have little experience and hence credibility on the issue.

    My guess is that the Charter was not even passed when you graduated from law school! Who are you to be the determinative reference on this point?

  4. Good morning Anon @ 7:35 - for the record, I am a practicing lawyer And a Member of the Law Society of Alberta. In fact I have some experience in these areas and even chaired hearing for the Alberta Human Rights Commission on one occasion. I graduated U of A Law School in 1974, well in advance of the passing of the Charter in 1982.

    As for offering a legal opinion in this post - I didn't. I reserve legal opinions for occasions where I am acting on behalf of clients only. This post was a citizen's enormous difference you seem unable to grasp, or more likely, you continue to choose to be intentionally misleading as to facts.

    Dear readers...this comment is precisely the kind of misguided and mistaken mindlessness that I referred to in this post. We can all be "grateful" for this commenters reaffirmation of this reality.

    Once again anonymity equates to cowardice.


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