Reboot Alberta

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Harper's Greasy Little Spot Ads Backfire!

The Harper Cons “Greasy Little Spot” Ads are running into some slippery slopes of their own. Seems like the company that owns the advertising monitors on gas pumps that these anti-Dion diatribes were going to be imposed on innocent people do not want anything to do with the slick and oily political propaganda that is oozing from the Harper message machine.

What is more, there is some chatter on the blogosphere about boycotting any gas station running the ads. Big oil will not be amused if they get caught in the PR disaster that the paid and personal attacks by the Harper political machine could bring upon them.

More proof that the cheap political tactics of the Harper Cons are wearing thin for a growing number of Canadians. I want peace, order and good government Mr. Harper. So far you have given me is war, confusion and no governance…with a leadership style that is just conniving and bullying.

I don’t want an election now either. However, I would like a government I can trust and respect and that has the best interests of Canadian citizens at its core, not just a lust for personal political power. Is that too much to ask?


  1. Anonymous11:22 am

    Strategic awaiting is exactly the ticket for the Liberals.

    Harper is inexpereinced in the private sector and in government. Most of his ministers lack private sector experience and are lightweights. It is only a matter of time for the poor judgment of the Harper's cabinet to come out (that is why Harper silences them and runs everything from the PMO) Now, the fruits of bad judgment and desperation are showing in all these scandals that are dogging the CONservatives and the greasy negative ads.

  2. Anonymous7:50 pm

    The Conservatives have an obligation to educate Canadians about the "bad policy" of a carbon tax. Please note that Dion thoroughly demonstrated by placing a massive tax on carbon was a stupid idea, of course that was before he became leader and flipflopped.

    The idea to try to put the ads on gas stations was an excellent way of getting widespread (and free!) advertising.

    Your comments are a little cute given the fact that your party ran ads about "soldiers in our streets". It was shameful but my guess is that you stayed quite at the time. Shame.

  3. Anonymous9:06 am negative attack campaign is not education. Partiularly when the Conservatives lie about the facts. Surely you are not so partisan to honestly see that the ad campaign is an ad hominem attack on Dion.

  4. Anonymous8:48 pm

    How the heck is it an ad hominem attack? Maybe you should look up the meaning of the word.

    Dion has stated that he will implement a carbon tax. This would increase the prices of basic necessities such as electricity, heat, and gas. This is not a lie - it is the facts. It is also a fact that the poorest people in the country will not benefit from a decrease in marginal tax rates.


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