Reboot Alberta

Monday, June 16, 2008

Is Harper Afraid of An Election?

Harper Cons are all about political tactics – again. The anti-Dion election style negative ad campaign is admittedly a channel-changing fast-track strategy to divert attention away from the Cons catastrophic performance as of late. Not surprising and no longer very disappointing because Canadians expectations of the Harper government are so low and declining.

A few months ago Harper took great glee in trying to goad Dion into an unnecessary and unwanted election. Dion wasn’t ready nor were Canadians in any mood for another election so soon. They elected Harper to give him a chance and his constant efforts to engineer his own defeat was not what we expected from our newbie Con government.

Harper is now loathed to have an election and in fact fears that he might have to face the Canadian electorate on his record. He has no vision for the country and no sense of the nation and no plan for what to do next - other than bully the opposition and the provinces. Hence the quickie and expensive channel changing ad campaign intended to divert attention from the facts about his wobbling and wandering government.

Politics is so variable. In a few short months Harper has moved from being a political bully who was always mocking for an election, to today where he is a politically a dead man, balking and dreading the possibility of an imminent election.


  1. Anonymous9:20 am

    Harper reminds me of George Bush's administration prior to the 9/11 attacks.

    Bush at that time was struggling with no agenda. His party was unified only by its hate of 'liberals".

    Harper is in the same place. He has no agenda and can encourage Canadians to hate the other parties more rather than govern in a meaningful way.

    Unlike Bush, Harper is also saddled with weak ministers. Harper must control everything to keep the weaklings from further diminishing tory prospects.

  2. Anonymous10:56 pm


    The Liberals have the power to bring down the government and have not done so in fear of inevitably losing a general election due to the ineffectual and weak leader Dion. I don't think any reasonable person would come to a conclusion that, given the facts above, it is is the CPC that is fearful. In addition, look at the Liberal numbers in Dion's home province of Quebec - they are dismal to say the least. Without Quebec, the Liberals are toast.


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